10 ZIP Codes Project —
Supporting the church’s impact on vulnerable neighborhoods.

Increasing High School Graduation Rates

Improving Test Scores for Elementary Students

Intervening to Mitigate the Cycle of Teen Pregnancies

Interrupting the Revolving Door of Youth Incarceration
The Project
10 ZIP Codes started in 2018 and is informed by our dedication to the marginalized.
Research out of Stanford University states: “Large-scale social change requires broad cross-sector coordination, yet the social sector remains focused on the isolated intervention of individual organizations.” This research identified three things needed for effective collective impact: a backbone organization, shared language and agenda, and shared metrics. Between LEAD.NYC’s stance as a neutral convening organization and NAYBA’s vast data network we strongly believe that these needs will be met.

Annual Impact of NYC Churches vs. Amazon’s Proposed NYC HQ

$46.2 Million in Annual Services Provided to Churches in 1 ZIP Code within New York City

$8.13 Billion Estimated in Annual Services by the Collective Church of New York City

$1.5-2.5 Billion in Estimated Annual Impact by the Proposed Amazon NYC Headquarters
Project Goals
We will continue doing research year after year, measuring efforts and the correlated change in statistical and felt needs in these communities. We are dedicated to honoring the church’s work and helping the body of Christ move the needle in these communities and beyond over the next ten years. We are continuing to support the work being done by the local church in these 10 ZIP Codes through micro-grants, equipping leaders through ALI, and sharing resources during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Explore the 10 ZIP Codes resources to learn more about the project and what the future holds.